Important Notice

Manulife (International) Limited would like to alert customers to stay vigilant about suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps, etc. allegedly related to Manulife. If you receive any calls claiming to be from Manulife MPF, first and foremost is to authenticate the caller’s identity (e.g. full name of advisor and his/her MPF Registration No.). If the caller refuses to disclose such information, please do not continue with the conversation. Also, if you notice any suspicious transaction activities in your account, or any account that is under your name but not set up by you, please inform us immediately. If you are in doubt, please contact us at (852) 2108 1188 or by email at for assistance.

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Important Notice

Manulife (International) Limited would like to alert customers to stay vigilant about suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps, etc. allegedly related to Manulife. If you receive any calls claiming to be from Manulife MPF, first and foremost is to authenticate the caller’s identity (e.g. full name of advisor and his/her MPF Registration No.). If the caller refuses to disclose such information, please do not continue with the conversation. Also, if you notice any suspicious transaction activities in your account, or any account that is under your name but not set up by you, please inform us immediately. If you are in doubt, please contact us at (852) 2108 1188 or by email at for assistance.

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Simplify the MPF Administration and enable employers to manage the account in a speedy, effective and convenient manner.

e-MPF Employer Online Service Demo (Full version)

Member Update demo (update on relevant income, basic salary and voluntary contribution, member termination reporting)

Regular Submission CONTX demo

Contribution Submission for Non-enrolled New Member demo

Contribution Surcharge submission demo

e-MPF Tips

Non-casual Employee
For non-casual employees aged between 18 and 65, you have to enroll them in an MPF scheme within the first 60 days of employment. The first contribution should be made on or before the 10th day after the last day of the calendar month when the 60-day permitted period ends. If the employee ceases employment before completing the 60-day permitted period, then both the employer and the employee will be exempted from making mandatory contribution.


Casual Employee
For casual employees aged between 18 and 65, you have to enroll them in an MPF scheme within the first 10 days of employment. The first contribution should be made on or before the 10th day after the last day of the relevant contribution period when the 10-day permitted period ends. If the employee ceases employment before completing the 10-day permitted period, both the employer and the employee are still required to make mandatory contribution from the first day to the last day of employment.

"Casual Employee" refers to any employee working in the construction or catering industry and employed on a day-to-day basis or for a fixed period of less than 60 days.

Please download the following Employee Application Kit and provide your employees with ALL items.



Manulife Global Select (MPF) Scheme

(1) MPF Scheme Brochure


(2) Manulife Global Select (MPF) Scheme Employee Enrolment Form


(3) An Illustrative Example of Fees and Charges of the MPF  Conservative Fund of the Manulife Global Select (MPF) Scheme


(4) On-going Cost Illustrations  for Manulife Global Select (MPF) Scheme



Please visit, log in with your company Manulife Customer Number (MCN) and PIN. Click "Allocation Summary" on the left, then you can check the MPF contribution record for your employees for the past 24 months.

Starting from November 1, 2013, the minimum level of relevant income has been increased from HKD 6,500 to HKD 7,100 per month. You need to continue making the employer’s portion of contribution for your employees whose monthly relevant income is less than HKD 7,100, but please stop deducting the employees’ portion of contribution from their relevant income. 

Please be reminded to make timely arrangement and update your contribution program / system to ensure that contribution amounts are accurately calculated and settled on time.  

The change will give impacted employees a choice to decide whether to continue making regular contributions. As a caring employer, you may encourage your employees to continue making contributions on a voluntary basis so as to plan for their future.

Manulife will issue a Calculation Discrepancy Report (CDR) to notify you about the situation. The overpaid mandatory contributions will be kept in your company’s cash account until we receive further instruction from you.

As an employer, you should communicate the above with your concerned employee and proceed with a refund should he / she wishes to do so. Alternatively, you may advise the concerned employee to make voluntary contributions with the overpaid mandatory contributions. In this connection, when you get the consent from the concerned employee, please provide the said instruction by completing the CDR and return it to Manulife.

Effective from June 1, 2014, the level of maximum relevant income for monthly-paid regular employees has been raised from HKD 25,000 per month to HKD 30,000 per month. For contribution periods commencing on or after June 1, 2014, maximum mandatory contributions have been adjusted accordingly from HKD 1,250 to HKD 1,500 per month.

Employers need to update their relevant administrative arrangements, including the program / system for calculating salary and MPF contributions, and ensure that the contribution amount is calculated in accordance with the new requirements for contribution periods commencing on or after June 1, 2014. Please make timely arrangement to ensure that contribution amounts are accurately calculated and settled on time.

Manulife will issue a Calculation Discrepancy Report (CDR) to employers as usual. You should rectify the situation and settle any outstanding payment as soon as possible.

To avoid MPF surcharge, please note the following:

  • Please settle the contribution data and payment by the 10th calendar day after the last day of the calendar month when the relevant contribution period ends
  • After submission of the contribution data and payment, you can check the allocation of contribution settlement via our website or the Employer Monthly Package
  • Please follow up immediately if you receive any Calculation Discrepancy Report or follow up notice of contribution / payment from Manulife

You can check the MPF transaction record by the following ways:

  1. Internet: Visit, log in with your company Manulife Customer Number (MCN) and PIN. Click "Cash Account Balance" on the left, then you can check the transaction records for the past 24 months.
  2. Employer Monthly Package: Refer to the Employer Monthly Package, which is delivered to you either via your e-MPF account or by mail every month.

You can notify Manulife of employee termination by the following ways:


If the termination reason is employment termination and it does NOT involve any Long Service Payment / Severance Payment ("LSP / SP") offset arrangement:

  1. Internet: Visit, log in with your company Manulife Customer Number (MCN) and PIN. Click "Member Update" on the left and follow the instruction to report employee’s last date of employment.
  2. Fax / Mail: Report employee termination on the Remittance Statement or "Notice of Employee Termination Form" and submit it to Manulife by fax to (852) 2104 3504 or by mail.


If the termination reason is NOT employment termination, or if it involves Long Service Payment / Severance Payment ("LSP / SP") offset arrangement:
Complete the "Notice of Employee Termination Form" and submit it to Manulife by mail.

Please refer to the Long Service Payment / Severance Payment section of the "Notice of Employee Termination Form" for the details of "LSP / SP" offset arrangement. It generally takes 30 days to process the offset once all contributions of the terminated employee are settled and the required document(s) is received.

The amount withdrawn from the vested accrued benefits for offsetting LSP / SP is in the following sequence:

a. the vested portion of the employer's contribution in the ORSO Scheme with Manulife
b. the vested portion of the employer's MPF voluntary sub-account
c. the employer's MPF mandatory sub-account

You can change the company information by the following ways:


Change of Company Correspondence Address / Email Address / Contact Person / Correspondence Attention Person:

  1. Internet: Visit, log in with your company Manulife Customer Number (MCN) and PIN. Click "Change Information" on the left, then you can update your company information.
  2. Fax / Mail: Complete the "Change of Employer Particulars Form" and submit it to Manulife by fax to (852) 2104 3504 or by mail.


Change of Company Name / Authorized Signature:
Complete the "Change of Employer Particulars Form" and submit it to Manulife by fax to (852) 2104 3504 or by mail. For change of company name, please attach the required supporting document(s) (Please refer to the mentioned form for details).

The above information is for reference only. For details, please refer to the Terms and Conditions, User Manual / Instructions, Prospectus, MPF Scheme Brochure, Offering Document, and Principal Brochure and Funds Brochure prescribed by Manulife from time to time. In case of any inconsistency, Prospectus / MPF Scheme Brochure / Offering Document / Principal Brochure and Funds Brochure (as the case may be) shall prevail.